To answer a question on the comment board, the U is about 13-14 inches high and weighs, I would guess, about 8-10 pounds. It seems to be made out of unpainted iron, but what do I know about metals? There is nothing on the reverse, although the metal is hollowed out; it's not completely solid.

Here's a photo that shows part of the ATIS sign. If anyone has a photo showing the complete sign(s), I would LOVE to have it.

If any non-blogger out there has other artifacts from the park, I would love to see and possibly post photos of them. Of course, I would NEVER do so without your permission, and if you'd like for me to post a photo but would like your identity kept confidential, you can either tell me that or simply not identify yourself to me in the first place. If you have artifacts and ARE a blogger, then post the photos for crying out loud!
What a great piece of history!
"Gasp" Amazing. Tell us more about it, what's it made of, how big, how heavy, what's on the back? Good question about where did the other letters end up?
Pretty incredible Jed! How many of us have an actual piece of this long lost attraction. Not many, I'd guess.
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