This is one of the better known "Coming Soon" flyers. Although mine is yellow, I've also seen them in pink and green. Perhaps there are other variations, as well. I'm not sure why it was printed in so many colors; maybe someone out there can explain. This is one of those pieces that used to be really hard to get your hands on. But then Ebay changed all that, and its become one of the more common Disneyland paper items.
That's the good and bad of Ebay: desirable items aren't as rare anymore, but the elation of discovery after searching and searching for a particular piece is gone. At least for me. Maybe that's why I rarely buy anymore; my endorphins just don't jump when I win an Ebay auction they way they did when I used to room-hop at the NFFC and Mouse Club conventions and unexpectedly discover something I'd always wanted, or even better, something I didn't even know existed. A lot of you out there know what I mean.
Oops...I posted this piece out of order. I accidentally left out two 1958 flyers I have. I will post them tomorrow and Wednesday, and then things will be back on track.
Great Flyer! Those little drawings are GREAT!!!!
It's still rare, but yes I have seen it a time or two on Ebay!
I wonder if someday the flow of DL goodies will stop from EBay? Will everyone finally clean out all their old stuff? Probably not :-)
Looking forward to the 58 flyers!
Remember when the "In Natural Color" guides were $400 and up? Or even some of the "Welcome to Disneyland" guides could be $75. Or the 1959 guide insert, I saw one at an NFFC show for $150, and considered buying it! Eventually got one for $20. Yes, ebay has changed things enormously, for better or worse. I have to admit that I have managed to get some fun things from ebay, but you are right, it never matches the thrill of finding an object at a show.
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