I don't know how many of you out there have heard of this place (I know that Mr. Goodsell has...), but when I lived in Oregon as a little kid, it was my FAVORITE. You ate excellent (at least according to a 4-year old) fish and chips and watched a pixie diorama out of the huge picture windows. You sorta get the idea from one of the postcards. The large postcard shows most of the diorama. They also put in a short-lived amusement park, which only lasted a couple of years.,
The place closed years ago, but you can find souvenirs and ceramics from it on Ebay. Wish I could find one of those pixies for my backyard.

Welcome back. Great post on this fantastic roadside attraction. I really like the diorama that was outside the window. The nautical theming for the interior is also fantastic. How far away from the coast was this?
I absolutely LOVE these small amusement parks and roadside attractions. There are probably still a few places like this around, if you are lucky enough to be able to explore the side roads. Air travel probably didn't help!
Thanks and welcome back!
I was so in love with the idea and look of this place that I made a scale model of the building! It is so cool that the restaurant spawned a theme park. Those were the days.
Dan --
Would love to see a picture of your model!
Always wanted to get to Pixieland. Never had the chance.
The brochures we have from here are not very exciting - so thanks for the pictures!
WOW!!!! I remember reading about that place in my local newspapaper! it sounded like it was a realy cool place! I wasnt around to see it though, all thats left of it now is just a few buildings.
what a treasure to stumble across this post! I'll have to show these photos to my mom- she used to take us here when we were young.
Wouo it's so beautifull
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