Sunday, May 11, 2008

Gold Opening Day Ticket

This is not a mint ticket, but for some reason, knowing that it was actually used on July 17, 1955 and not just tucked away in a drawer makes it that much cooler. When I bought this ticket, it also came with the parking sticker and meal ticket, which I will post at a later date.

Over the years, I've owned green, silver, white, and gold tickets, but never an orange, although I know they exist and have seen one in an Anaheim museum. Does anyone out there have one???


Major Pepperidge said...

What, you don't have an orange version? I used to have 10 of them, but I got tired of them cluttering up my collection, so I threw most of them away. ;-)

Vintage Disneyland Tickets said...

I do love these opening day tickets. You'd think I would have by now, but, well, I think I waited too long, my "Stimulas refund" wont even buy me one (insert crying baby sound here).... Cool that this one is filled out in that neat 50's hand writing! I'll post my ticket soon (Wink to Major)...

outsidetheberm said...

Sadly, there are so many counterfeits out there now one must really be careful when purchasing these. Be thankful you started collecting them when the market could be trusted! Thanks for posting!

jedblau said...

Have you seen conterfeits? I do not know of any, and they would be a pain to print accurately. Can you post/email a photo of one or a link to photo of one? I'd love to see what they look like.

outsidetheberm said...

Yes, there are many counterfeits of these, Jed. And they really aren't that hard to find, unfortunately. They are easier to spot than you'd think, however because most are not of high quality. An expert like you, for example, would probably know the moment you saw it.
Don't have an example on hand to show you. Sorry. We *try* to avoid buying such things.

Unknown said...

Nice scan, Jed!

It is great to be able to see pieces like this.

Jason Schultz said...

Modern counterfeits are fun and all, but does anybody out there have an actual counterfeit ticket from 1955?!

outsidetheberm said...

Now, THAT would be a find, Progressland! We've never seen one.

Matterhorn1959 said...

My gold appears the same. My favorite gold ticket is in a collection where the ticket would admit the holder and 99 other people. Talk about an entourage. I have yet to see a reproduction ticket as well modern or vintage. The colored paper is too tough to duplicate. There was a white ticket just recently on E-Bay.

Bobbio said...

Thirty years ago (1978), I was partying with a couple of girls in Phoenix, AZ. I told them I was going to Disneyland the next weekend. One of the girls ran to an old box that her dad was keeping. He had helped build Disneyland and had a box of left-over Opening Day tickets. They said "Good for Admission and all rides". She gave me three as a goof. I went to the ticket booth that Sunday and presented 2 of the tickets and demanded entrance. My GF was so embarassed she wouldn't go to the window with me. We both figured that we would be refused and maybe run off. But instead the cashier's eyes lit up and she said "and all you want is in?". She pulled cash from her own purse and bought our way in. Then she put the tickets in a clean envelope and went running off to tell her boss. My GF was delighted but I was sick about it. What an idiot! But heh that was before the internet and the collective madness. I'm glad we kept the third ticket!

Marissa Hunt said...

I love how this ticket has a real history attached to it.